Raspberry Piではじめる機械学習という本の環境を2022年1月時点でセットアップしている中でいくつか更新があったので備忘録としてメモ。

カラー図解 Raspberry Piではじめる機械学習 補足情報
2022年1月時点でRaspberry Pi OSは2つ存在する
2021年12月2日投稿のRaspberry Pi財団のブログによると、Raspberry Pi OSの基になっているDebianがバージョンアップしたことにより、現在は以下の2つのバージョンが両方正式サポートされている。
・Raspberry Pi Imagerで通常インストールするとこちらになる
2021-10-30: * Based on Debian version 11 (bullseye) * Desktop components (lxpanel and all plugins, libfm, pcmanfm) now built against GTK+3 * Applications (piwiz, pipanel, rc_gui, lxinput) now built against GTK+3 * PiXflat GTK+3 theme updated with numerous changes to support the above * GTK+3 : toolbar icon size setting added * GTK+3 : ability to request client-side decoration on windows added * GTK+3 : setting for indent for frame labels in custom style added * mutter window manager used instead of openbox on devices with 2GB or more of RAM * mutter : title bar icon behaviour and appearance modified to match openbox * mutter : additional keyboard shortcuts added * mutter : various performance enhancements * mutter compatibility added to screen magnifier * Numerous changes to Appearance Settings application to support GTK+3 and mutter * Updater plugin added to lxpanel to detect and install software updates * File manager view options simplified to either list or icons, with separate menu option for thumbnails * New file manager toolbar icons * KMS used as default display driver * Modifications to HDMI audio output selection to support the above * xcompmgr enabled when openbox is running under KMS * New default camera subsystem based on libcamera * New camera demo applications (libcamera-still and libcamera-vid) have replaced raspistill and raspivid * Legacy camera subsystem removed from 64-bit RPi OS (still available on 32-bit) * Chromium upgraded to version 92.0.4515.98 * VLC media player upgraded to version 3.0.16 * Spurious drive removal warning after use of SD card copier removed * Bookshelf application now includes Custom PC magazine * Various translation updates - Italian, Korean, Polish, German, Armenian * Startup wizard now installs Japanese fonts if needed * Progress and information dialog boxes for lxpanel plugins now common to lxpanel, rather than in individual plugins * Icon handling code for lxpanel plugins now common to lxpanel * Package with 4K version of Raspberry Pi wallpaper added to Recommended Software * Python Games and Minecraft removed from Recommended Software - neither is compatible with bullseye * Bluetooth pairing and connection dialogs updated for compatibility with more devices * Bluetooth devices always disconnected before removal to speed up removal process * Bluetooth pairing dialog now only shows devices which offer services which are usable by Pi * Separate Bluetooth unpair dialog removed - unpair now an option for each individual device * Bug fix - mutter : header bar colours not updating when theme is changed * Bug fix - GTK+3 : tooltips being displayed incorrectly at bottom of screen * Bug fix - lxpanel : crash when using keyboard shortcut to enable magnifier when magnifier not installed * Bug fix - lxpanel : lockup in Bluetooth plugin when connecting to certain devices * Bug fix - lxpanel : discoverable mode icon could get out of sync with underlying Bluetooth system state * Bug fix - piwiz : missing cities in timezone list * Bug fix - piwiz : country-specific language packages not being installed * Bug fix - bookshelf : now waits for longer between packets before timing out * Bug fix - accented characters now displayed correctly in localisation dialogs * Raspberry Pi firmware e2bab29767e51c683a312df20014e3277275b8a6 * Linux kernel 5.10.63
Raspberry Pi OSはDesktop、Full、Liteの3つバージョンがある。
- Desktop:Raspberry Pi OSにDesktop環境も含まれている標準バージョン
- Full:Desktop版に教育用の各ソフトウェアなどが追加されているバージョン。書籍内ではこれのインストールを推奨されている。
- Lite:CUIのみで使うバージョン。容量が少ない。
Pi ImagerではLegacy(Buster版)はDesktopとLiteしか選択できないため、別にFull版のイメージを用意する必要がある。
Index of /pub/raspberrypi/raspios_full_armhf/images/raspios_full_armhf-2021-05-28
Raspberry Pi ImagerでCustomを選択し、ダウンロードしたイメージを選択してインストール。


Debianのバージョン履歴 - Wikipedia